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1Q17 CIO Commentary

1Q17 CIO Commentary

In this quarter's CIO commentary, we review the impact of Trump's first months in office on the investment markets, comment on Europe's many economic challenges, and discuss a new developed equity market investment in AlphaGlider strategies.

4Q16 CIO Commentary

4Q16 CIO Commentary

In this quarter's CIO commentary, we take a look at the winners and losers coming out of the Trump victory, make a deep dive into the risk-reward tradeoffs offered you US equities at the moment, and name the one US foreign relationship to watch most closely in the Trump era.

3Q16 CIO Commentary

3Q16 CIO Commentary

Quarterly recap, election edition. We recap the 3rd quarter, including:

 â€” the issues that face Europe are many
 â€” the US election is looking a lot like the UK's EU referendum did one month out
 â€” expect a 7.5% return from this market? Think again. We have.